Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

P V J tour..

Hello everyone....

How is your long weekend???
Hopefully you've got the wonderfully weekend...^^,
weekend ini si gw ga kmana2, diem d rumah aja. Tadi cman nntn icil doang. (I'm one of Icil fan, ahahah) Kmaren sabtu gw, monik, n echa spent time at Paris Van Java mall, sayang nena ga bisa ikut soalnya ada acara lain juuga(*bobogohan :D). Hmmm....I'm so happy to be there. we did some stupid thing. ahahahaha.... We played with some pigeon, it was so funny. And took some pictures with silly pose. Monik ordered me to jump at ladder and she took a picture. Hahahaha..... (So silly me :D) Oiya, kita ketemu sma bang ipul. Gila bang ipul sombong banget, minta poto aja ga boleh (*joke).hahaha..
Here some pictures:

we'd a cold..huhuhuu...

play with some pigeon

photographi exhibiton

ps: I saw a beautiful bag at Bally, i wanna it! hmmm... >.<

4 komentar:

  1. ih piti mah licik...masa poto aq cuma satu c yg di masukkin..???yg lagi buang ingus lagi...sebel...


  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. @neyhna: makanya kamu jangan pacaran aja dong sayang, kali2 mlm mingguan sma kite2... :)

    @chasajah: heuheuheuheu ntu kan ceritanye we'd a cold, kita sama2 lg pilek ceritanya.... :)
