Oh my God, udah lama banget ga nulis since busy with working life. My daily life : bangun tidur, mandi then berangkat kantor, umpel2an di kereta, nyampe kantor cek email, bales email, kerja, pulang kantor, umpel2an lagi di kereta, nnton bentar udah itu tidur. Udah ga sanggup lagi buat ngblog. *bersiin laba2 :)))
Yup! Lately my life just been bored about working and working. Weekend juga udah males buat maen2 jauuh ke jakarta paling udah seputar mall serpong kalo ga lw (living world ini udh paling favorite buat makan dan nonton), mall alam sutera, paling jauh SMS.hahaha. Udah capek duluan kalo mesti ke sency buat maen.
But, this end of month i'm going to resign from sigma to visionet. I know this company is not as big as sigma but i just cant wait to start my new experience as business analys. Hehehehe looks like this job will be busier but i'm exited. \^_^/
What i love about my new office is near my house where is in karawaci. So i'm not going to 'umpel2an' di kereta lagi. Hihihi happyyy.
You know all i wanna do is to make my parents proud of me, i will do it for the rest of my life. Seeing their smile such a happiness to me. So i wouldn't stop it!
So here is my quick update! I hope i can make a new post as soon as posible.
Happy eid mubarak!
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.